They just carry hatred towards us.

Unfortunately, They don’t really care!

Always up with tensions and things are getting worse day by day. Unfortunately, no one really cares. I understand the situation, but time is hard to digest. We can’t deny the fact that is the pain of such times is not good at all and it’s almost irritating all the time. The rest of the time is required to manage and adjust these all scenes.

Time will pass and we will overcome all such odds. But this passing time is so much difficult to manage and accept. The hell with that time and those situations too! I’m telling the truth, it is the most ignored thing we need to understand.

The life of our mind and the self of inner soul is needed to clarify. Actually, we want what is peace; but the person who stays with us gives us the most and worst kind of pain. Maybe, they don’t like to be good with us. They just carry hatred towards us.

For them, hurting you is the most important thing. They want to seek attention only. They can’t really see you as a happy person as they only want you to do the things they want you to do. The matter is they’re always ready to debate, rather they’re always ready to do an argument for their not so true and worthless things. Then, they try to force their meaningless stuff and the intention of harming, whether that is physically or mentally.

The aim is the only one and that is to irritate the person, apart from this, nothing is there in their empty freaky mind. What we can do is just to pray and constant prayer. Because we can’t throw away our own blood from our body and that’s what hurt the most!

You’re the one who thinks good for others but the thing is you only do that. Apart from you, no one really does and that is the saddest thing. It should be removed from the mind.


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