The relief I was looking for a long time…

What a relief I have got!
What a relief I have got!

After the collision of my emotions and feelings. I found that I’m in a sea of trouble. That sea was holding my ship for a decade. I felt that decade due to, I was unable to move my ship from the waves of the sea. But as a wise man says “Never lose hopes, it will help you.” And I follow that eventually. Man! what a relief I’ve got.

Seriously some times it worth sharing feelings with someone who does understand your emotions. I never thought I’m gonna share some part of my bad experience with that person. Indeed that person helps me to be comfortable expressing my emotions through my complicated style of talking. I felt relaxed after it as I was throwing my toxins with the help of that person. In life, we do have to make very difficult decisions and it does worth by that time.

I’ve had took some decisions to end the bad impacts of lives on me. But that doesn’t happen often. It’s a life man! we can’t have everything that we want for ourselves. Never mind about it. When it’s about mental problems, it does carry solutions in it. And we all know it. We just need to be relaxed and think about ourselves. If we keep ourselves good we’ll be achieving a goal in itself.

I’m hoping and keep telling myself that dude you’re up from this situation. Keep low expectations and at the same time do not let anyone take you for granted. Woah! that was some heavy lines on me but I did take that seriously. And lastly, I drank tea with some of my favorites people. That gives me vibes with relief from what I was really seeking.


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