This education is the necessity of today’s generation…

In short what... The Education!
In short what… The Education!

The topic is normal and simple. But the thing is that even in today’s time, people can’t speak openly about it. There are many examples of that like menstruation, nightfall, and sex education. And of course the half education they pursue from their source of knowledge. Today also in our houses we can’t speak on it freely or we can’t give an opinion about it. If we go to talk about it we feel embarrassed. I also know in some houses these kinda talks are fine for them because they do care about their family relations rather than society.

This kind of eductions is given to science students only, we feel shame about it while talking. If it feels like this then we should give this knowledge or education to everyone, it is necessary. But why? have you ever think that. To being healthy and for that we should take care of our health is fine. But that is not the only thing in terms of care or hygiene. There are some private body parts or organs we can say it. We don’t give attention to it as we should’ve. Some do it some don’t do it at all, they feel shame to clean it or touch it. If that is boy or girl they need to clean their respective private body parts. Importantly they don’t have to be embarrassed or feel shame about it.

In the world, there is sex education going on. In India also that is there. But here if we say a thing like condoms, we must have seen the expression of people how quickly they changed. Like we are the criminals. The same thing applies when we buy a pad during periods or start talking about it normally. Likewise, when we encounter the nightfall, that moment indeed felt embarrassing. The words literally wipe out from that moment. That is a weird situation actually. But can’t we act normal over it, can’t we just say it’s okay and leave it there.

In short what... The Education!
In short what… The Education!

Actually, those things are natural, and if we are using them as a solution. Then why hide it in our talk. Or else if we speak or talk about it. It shouldn’t be felt like you’re doing the sin. I’m not saying that go on and tell everybody because I know, till now this thought will come to many people’s minds. But at least we can talk about it openly without carrying the embarrassment with our family members and some fellow close ones.

Today’s time due to this half-taught sex education or lack of knowledge many beings get killed before even becoming part of this world. Just because they don’t care properly while having physical relations. Sometimes pills, some times other things which might hurt them badly that duration of time. But what can they do! They have to correct their mistakes. They have to move on from them by tackling this kind of thing. That’s it! The difference between being Right and half-taught knowledge is responsible for the things like that.

If we accept reality and things how they are, then it will easy to live life. The topic is very simple but while expressing thoughts will come eventually pause the momentum.


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