Enums in java

What is Enum in java?

  • An enum is a class that represents a group of constants. Constants are the final variables and we can not change their values.
  • By using the enum keyword we can create the enums in java. Which contains comma-separated constants.
  • The naming convention for constants is the upper case only.

Why enums are required in java?

  • When we have defined sets of constants like months, days where all possible values are known at compile-time only it’s required to have that set of values in one place and added in enum.
  • Enum helps the programmer not to make any mistakes while entering something.
  • Enum also helps to improve the readability of the program.

How to create and use enum in java?

  • As shown in the below example we have enum for days. And we are checking if the day is a holiday or not.
  • To access the enum values we can directly call by name of the enum followed by the value. Like Day.MONDAY etc.
Enums in java
  • Enums can also be used in switch statements.
  • If we want to iterate over each value of the enum then enum has the values() method which will return all the values inside that enum.
  • We can print all the values one by one as shown in the following example.
Enums in java

Notes of enums:

  • We can not extend any class in the enum. Since it implicitly extends java.lang.Enum.
  • We can implement an interface.
  • Enums constructors are always private and final.
  • Since constructors are private we can not create an object of the enum using a new operator.
  • Constants in enums are by default static and final.

Example for Enum using switch:

Enums in java

-A blog by Shwetali Khambe

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