It is about touch and feels!

It's just not about physical...

Those who say it’s always about the physical, Then only understand sex. Because apart from that there are various types of feelings involved in this touch. Yeah! I do agree sex is important but not all the time. You must take consideration of your partner about this.

Everyone was involved in physical intimacy. We do hug, we do cuddle, on top of that kisses are also there. Some like to do this stuff more than sex. It’s their personal comfort. And we should respect that as it is an important element in their life.

The thing is that it does depend on the choice of the person. The kind of person, that kind of taste he or she will have. Still, some like to avoid deeper physical connections like sex. On the other hand, some do it like a healthy habit of life and need. All are right in their places it’s just a matter of respect we should give to choose in this between.


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