Pure sharing, no artificial talk of Birthday…

I met one of my closest ones. He was talking with me about his birthday celebration. I’ll put him as a narrator from here on out.
A Few days back, my Birthday was celebrated by my friends, family, and some relatives. But it was felt like a lie. Lie! it means, It was just a show-off, I think so. Because all were there for nothing else but just to pass their time. Some were in so hurry. They even made me thought that I’m the ultimate reason for making them go late at their further plans or home.
If you didn’t want to come then exactly why you came over here. I didn’t invite you at all to spoil my day, Damn man, That day I felt like, I, myself put a stone on my leg to hurt me. And that is why I don’t ask anyone to celebrate it. Why would anyone want this to happen on your own birthday?
It’s a shitty thing personally to hear but this makes an impact on us. As we wait for the day throughout the year and someone comes and spoils it. It felt like it’s their daily job. But we don’t care if some relatives do it to you. In fact, it hurts more when your own family members do the things that hurt you. At least that day, Only for twenty-four hours, you have to be good with us. Not more than that I’m asking it. Directly can’t tell them that, “It’s my birthday, so don’t create a scene please.” Let it be that on there itself.

Woah! now it comes to the big thing of life, the love you care or the love you cherish your life for. I know she can’t be with you the whole time as it is your day and you have to live it as it is. But when we come to a layer down, there is a big thing we call friendship. If they’re also not helping you or making your one day of the whole year happy then what kind of friends even they are!
Actually, we can’t force them to free some time for us. If they want they will, And if not, they’ll put some reasons, that simple is the thing. On the other hand, it’s you left with your birthday. The person who desperately wanted to be happy, genuine happiness with a little peace. No drama, no hurting, No torture of daily issues. I know, it’s a Birthday, it comes every year and I accept that fact. But the person whose birthday is there can’t be there every next year.
We don’t intend to hurt anybody but eventually, we end up hurting them. So think that way too. For some people, birthday is not only to broadcast them as to how well they showcase their wealth. Or how well they want to show off. For some, it’s the day they want vibes! some pure genuine vibes. A lovely time to highlight the birthday. A feeling of peace throughout the day from all the stress or tense situations, At least for a single day which is a birthday.