‘लव जिहाद’ एक सकंल्पना या बुरी हकीकत! भले ही भारत एक धर्मनिरपेक्ष देश है,लेकिन हम अपने देश पर बने हुए धार्मिक प्रभाव को नजरअंदाज नहीं
Author: rasika kawale
What are JUnit Annotations? We have seen what JUnit is, how to configure it, and how to write simple code to test our code. Now
Community impact in Child Psychology! Welcome to the third part of this trilogy of child psychology! As we understood in the last two pieces, how
पाहिले फक्त शब्द, रूप नाही पाहिले… “पाहिले न मी तुला, तू मला न पाहिले” हे सुरेख गाणं आज सकाळ सकाळ आमच्या टीव्ही वर लागलं होतं.
Psychology about comparison kills the talent of the child! As we read in the first part that how parenting is important for the child psychology. Teachers
What are MySQL operators? We can use MySQL operators in conditions with more than one condition. Those are AND, OR, NOT. We will use the
Revathi ‘s Poetries Here, we can read poetries of the young poet, Revathi Subramaniam. Must read her poetry and other write-ups. If you like, then