What is Encapsulation (Data-Hiding) in Java? Encapsulation is the process of hiding the object’s properties from the outside of the class. And providing the methods
Author: ugtworld

Tired of the same situation & question… When you tired of answering the same question! Nowadays there is the season of marriage. Yeah! you heard

कर लीजिए कभी इनसे सुकून की बातें ऐसी ही इन चंचल रातों पर कई लेखक बहुत कुछ कह चुके हैं, लिख चुके हैं। लेकिन इन

Why 2-Step Verification is required? In today’s generation, everyone has a google account either for business use or for personal use. Since we have our

How interface in java works and how to achieve abstraction using the interface. In java, we can achieve abstraction in two ways, using abstract class

An orphan is better than a toxic family member! A few days back met a couple. The coincidence was top-notch she was an orphan and