What are MySQL Aliases? MySQL Aliases are the temporary names given to the MySQL tables and columns for ease of understanding. We can provide any
Author: ugtworld

6 Indian films nominated for Oscar this year, under major categories including ‘Best Picture’ and ‘Best Actor’, according to the longlist released by the Academy

How to use MySQL IN and BETWEEN Operator? MySQL IN and BETWEEN we can use in Where condition to get the required data based on

Anime and its Large range of Variety! As we have all known what is anime but some get confused between anime and Cartoons. Cartoons are

What is the LIKE operator in MySQL LIKE operator in MySQL is used in the WHERE condition to get certain values of column data. We

भारतातील महिलांना शिक्षित करण्याच्या मोहिमेची सुरुवात करणाऱ्या क्रांतिकारक भारतीय स्त्रीबद्दल आणि सावित्रीबाई फुले यांचा इतिहास, सामाजिक प्रभाव आणि भारतीय शिक्षणातील त्यांचे महत्वाचे योगदान याबद्दल तुम्हाला

How to UPDATE / DELETE in MySQL? If we need to update or remove any records from our table we can use an UPDATE or