Be practical with your emotions. Don’t let it crushed by someone who is very close to you or someone who is not so. Be a kindful person with yourself first. Respect your feelings, respect yourself.
Don’t think about if anybody heard or feels these emotions. People will start judging you or starts behaving like unknown to them since you met. Think it like this way, where you don’t have to really care about anyone.
Instead, you should just look after yourself. That belief will give you the confidence which is required for you. And after that, the changes will start showing up with some strong walls of protection.
That wall will be the guard of your emotions and that guard will help you to keep the feelings that are important for you, not the ones that need not be there in your heart. We do need this kind of antivirus these days, where emotions are used to play with someone’s heart and feel them.

They literally don’t care about this, do they? Why would they care, why? You only gave rights upon you to them. You shouldn’t have to but you only provided all the information about your weaknesses and strengths.
When we do think more about themselves than us. There only we let ourselves down in the terms of self-respect. We should control our feelings of being nice all the time. Think less good about other’s because not all the people do deserve this.
But it’s fine no. You did it in the flow of emotions, so let it be for now. It’s never late to rise up until it’s our death. So you still have the chance to rebuild all your emotions, feelings. Go, Get up, Release yourself from the game of emotions.
Rise up for the sake of yourself and for the one’s who loves you unconditionally!
Facts , which we need to learn for self…. Great writing…. ?
Absolutely ?.. Thank you for appreciating. Have a nice time ahead.