Those beautiful moments on the beach

We were on that beach!
We were on that beach!

Sitting on the beach looking up in the sky with some cold air roaming and touching our body like feathers, makes you forget about anything which is coming into your mind, whether that be a thought or just anything. This scene is just another love-spreading scent bottle whose essence is a never-ending one.

With the love, feelings in the eyes can watch it till the sun arise
those stars, that moon, they ask me to stay with them
join them on this beautiful beachside…

Can feel that magic when the moon appears like a king of charm, who makes you fall in love with him, with his own kind of beauty. That sparks that mildness soothing our heart like chocolate syrup on the vanilla ice cream. Indeed makes the perfect combo! but on the other side can’t describe the moment in words we just feel it. Looking upon that moon who has his own shades of variety with different colors of his magnetism of attraction. Can’t take my eyes off from the view of him.

He was shining so bright in those universe-filled stars. Even though the stars are in the vast majority alone, the moon can overshadow them just with its own amazing vibes carrying in its damn pleasant attitude. But do not forget about stars that show us the main ingredient of this beautiful sky: the moon. Stars are those who actually make that sky colorful with their reddish, yellowish, whitish, and so on shades. Endless colors are there in those stars having their own identity in the sky makes them feel special.

It becomes more special when we are with the same soul on the beach right next to us, who is not talking at all yet talking a lot. In the way of silence, communication is directly heart to heart or soul to soul. Where the words just disappear somewhere in the air like they are born now just now but floating in the air.

We were on that beach!
We were on that beach!

The eyes were too busy to see those words to fill in the heart. Those eyes staring at the view of that beautifully gorgeous scene, and we are the element of it. Major element I would say. If not, who can explore and disclose this heaven which forms at night time in this place only? while sitting at a beach near to the mildly hot and mild cold water waves. Those waves constantly trying to reach us to tell us we are also here to give you some kind of feel, the touch this traveler air is giving you is a little cold one.

These kinda touches are so important at this moment to make you realize their existence. While looking at the sky which is already packed with fearless stars and the catchy moon. It is more intimidating now between this unparalleled love. The person who besides me is now lying on that beach keeping his head on his hand and watching it now up in the sky more peacefully. Rather than feeling more secure in this one, keeping your head on the hand gives the total exposure of that limitless sky.

Time just flies away while looking at those stars, who are trying to tell many things. Want to share their own personal feelings with us. They are talking with us and reminding us this is it, in life we need peace only peace, and a little bit of satisfaction. Which naturally comes to the soul at this kinda place. This beach is telling us to stay alive in silence. Teaching how to talk without saying a single word to each other. Those falling stars are coming to give a hug for which we are desperately waiting.

We just can’t come out of this place from this moment at all. We have fixed ourselves here permanently and just don’t wanna come out from it. On that beach, a new life is waiting to re-modify the existence of life. And nothing can beat this moment where stars talking, the moon giving his love, waves taking care of soothing music, and this mild cold air just adding her beats to it. We just loved it. we are on that beach…

Riding on these colorful waves they are taking us to the other side
where stars reside, the moon comes alive life starts his melody with the tones of musical vibes…


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