Bluff is all everyone can do…

Bluff, Twin faced and twin things on the mouth!

Bluff is all everyone can do...

These days trust is like air. It changes like the wind changes its directions. There is no use of trust as we can say. Because Saying one thing and doing something else is high fashioned these days. In short, the bluff is everywhere. Showing something else with a fake vision and then thrown out into a different reality.

We should acknowledge one thing that no one shows the real truth. Yes, definitely it’s upon us what to see and what to believe. But when it comes in front of us it’s really difficult to observe at first sight. What else we should describe that every near and dear one is real fake ones.

Showing you different things first hand and then starts changing their color like a chameleon. Ignoring the things you’ve told them. It’s a real shit of people when they wear masks of being good. Nothing will happen to it. It will all come back to zero, where they were earlier. Because if you do bad with someone sooner or later same shit is waiting for you.


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