Those moments regret your bond!

They care about their Burning pages of life. The structure of life purposely lets this hang so we can negotiate on it with life. Life teaches you in each moments until you learn that particular thing of life policy. You do fail many times but it will be for some good reason somehow somewhere.
The pressure of consequences of failure will tear you apart some day. The more you pretend to be okay with the situation, the more it will damage you from inside. Acceptance is sometimes very hard but it’s always curable. It is what it is and it will be. Break the silence over it and let it go.
Everything is all upto you. Of course, it will not happen all of sudden. It will be ongoing process and every phase of it might be harder than before. To move on with it and value yourself is what your choice should be! Once you screw over regretted moments, you’re free to go ahead in life.
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