If we don’t see it as a thing we must see!

False hopes over reckless thoughts can lead you towards the most unwanted situations. It can also be one of the ways towards the false places and false reality. We need to think about this one in a while. Because if we don’t see it as a thing we must see, then it can really hype you up and respectively get you in trouble.
It will make you think like you have nothing left with you apart from it. So, you should think, why am I even doing it and what is the main purpose behind this? what kind of peace is this thing going to give you? Is this going to settle down that kind of false thoughts? Are that false things going to give you the way out of it?
Be careful about the process which goes deep down in your mind. The process of thinking and its parallel effects will lead you to like all false scenarios. Those scenarios will get you in trouble for sure and that trouble will be making sure about the fact to keep you away from the truth.
This will go in that way, it will water the plant of anger in your body, which is the main cause behind all the negative situations. Anger only helps sometimes to speak out the truth but it won’t help you always.
All these false hopes or false thinking are needed to be avoided in priority. So that you can focus on the truth and accept the reality. You’ll finally get a clear vision for the things which are stuck in your mind like lyrics of a random song. It will come out once in a while definitely.
So, better to clean this mess as soon as possible to avoid the false life of false aims.