Feeling with a pleasant amount of Emotions

We can’t keep the same emotions for a long time

Feeling with a pleasant amount of Emotions

Relations sometimes not go the way we want. They can’t be the same all the time as they are carrying various flavors of emotions with them. And due to that, there can’t be the same day every time. If you want to have that same day, you can still give it a try. But, no use; cause those feelings will be sort of artificial for you both or whoever the person is!

See, we can’t keep the same emotions for a long time. But that doesn’t even mean you’ll be changing feelings frequently. It does not happen that often. It happens due to the points of emotions and feelings changes their steps, so that, all the scenario comes up.

When anger and attachment start beating each other, then only this thing starts occurring. When the mode of talks with the person we value changes, then also the same thing shows up on their faces. The small-time happiness of not-talking to that person can ruin both the life with ease. And then, there is regret who will ride you after this. And also, that regret won’t go until and unless you allow.

Most of the time, it does happen with many people at the same time. That doesn’t mean you are going to break all those relationships with these people you will look to whom we have to give value or not. Because in anger, we do make bad decisions more often. And that is the worst part of life. That will literally tear you apart from happiness.

So be careful about the decision which is so important to you in your life, whether it’s related to love or life or friendship. Because a small amount of happiness can break the saddest mountains which can give you relief. It can provide a much-needed relaxing feeling with a pleasant amount of emotions!


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