What will happen when we disappear?

If we suddenly Disappear…

If we suddenly disappear, what will happen to the things we have dreamt of? No one knows. Usually, it’s said,” The dreams do die with the person.” While others say,” They are still there, and someone will fulfill them for us.”

Yeah, that sounds unrealistic, as everyone’s busy sorting out their own life. No one cares about it. So, how can they fulfill our dreams? Think about it. We will just be a remembrance for everyone. As per the bonds shared with everyone, our memory can either be good or bad.

Now, no matter how promising is the shared bond, they still will be having anger and expectations for us, and they are never-ending. This is how life works, if one is good, the other is bad. As this is the only way for the universe to maintain balance.

The presence of only good stuff in life is dangerous. There always has to be a balance. Someday someone is going to replace us from their lives.

Someone will certainly overshadow us, whether it be in their memory or present and, we will be disappeared from their minds. They will forget us, maybe for their sake. I might sound rude, but one can’t force anyone for being remembered. You can’t be anyone’s all-time favorite.

Very few people don’t replace others. Instead, they suppress their needs, so they won’t need to replace us. But it rarely happens.

So, don’t think much about our presence in others lives. We might get replaced or might not.


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