Introduction of Java, the technological language…

Basics of Java and its features!

Introduction of Java, the technological language...

Java is one of the most common languages used nowadays, owned by Oracle. In today’s programming world many languages are used to build applications. If you want to proceed with your career in programming, you must know one of these programming languages.

Though it is a bit of a complex language to learn, still this language developers are high in demand for good salary packages even in the current century.

What is Java?

It’s an object-oriented programming language used to build various software applications for multiple platforms.

Why Java?

One of the biggest advantages of java is Platform Independence. This means you can compile your code on one platform and run it on another. It is used in building Android applications, Web applications, Software tools (like Eclipse, Intellij). Since this language has been popular since 1995, there are lots of resources available online to learn. There are also options available to code and run online without adding JDK to your system for basic java programs.

Introduction of Java, the technological language...

What are the 4 pillars of java?

1. Abstraction:

Only essentials details are displayed to the user. It is achieved by Inheritances and Abstract classes. Example: ATM (where internal working/functionality kept hidden from the user).

2. Encapsulation:

Wrapping up the data into a single unit. It prevents data from being accessed outside of that unit. Example:  Java Bean class (class with private variables and public getter, setter methods to access outside)

3. Inheritance:

Using properties of one class into another. A class can inherit variables and functions (methods) from another class. The main class is called Parent Class and the class which inherits it is called a child class or sub-class. Example: Child inherits the properties from Father.

4. Polymorphism:

Poly means Many and Morphism means Forms. The ability to have more than one form is called Polymorphism. In this language, it allows performing the same action in different ways. There are two types of polymorphism in java Method Overloading and Method Overriding. Example: Person can be Teacher at School and Parent at Home at the same time.

What Tools are Required to Run/Code Java?

  1. Linux/ Windows Operating System
  2. Java JDK
  3. Notepad (if building basic programs) or Software tools (like Eclipse, Intellij for building web applications)

-A blog by Shwetali Khambe

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