It will also cost you relations…

It can cost you many things!
It can cost you many things!

Now a lot of questions come to mind, exactly what are those things? Things are simple as you. When you learned to live for yourself by the rules, Not that hardcore stuff but basic ones. Those basic rules rather than those wishes of yours are in the way of becoming your truth. Slowly they are gonna affect your people. They will start talking about it on daily basis, which will cost you courage and confidence.

After that, they might talk a lot about it and make sure you will care less about it. It does affect us in our minds even if we’re not showing it to anybody. But we can’t hide anything from ourselves. We do talk with ourselves on regular basis in a silent way. So we speak things with us which we can’t say to anyone else.

Once you start living on your own terms suddenly your family, friends, close ones get affected. These are the same people who once were cheering for you to get a change. And when the change occurs then they’re not bearing us at all. They feel like we’re going away from them and we’re ignoring them. But why they can’t understand they’re doing the same thing before our change.

Everyone is fine with us until we do things for them. once things did you’re not that person for them who you was once. So in short terms we’re only not allowed to change, everyone can. This is the thing. Your nature change, your behavior changes, and then relations with everyone change. Because they don’t know how to accept new you. Which is the bitter truth sadly!

Your minor change in personality can put a bit of jealousy in many people’s minds. So Your change is responsible for your growth. Don’t make sacrifices for anybody at any cost. Stay true to yourself and you might get along with true and genuine people surely in your life.


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