Keeping the roots of culture alive by Ravana…

Destruction already begins, culture has to be pure!

A person was never terrible by birth or from the beginning. Nobody is completely evil. In “Bhagavad Gita” or As per Hindu culture everyone originates from the divine so actually all are pure. Due to the Dualities of life, certain changes do affect the mind and actions of their surrounding.

We all know Ravana. Most people do consider him as a villain and remember his sins whatever was them. Apart from them, he was tremendously knowledgeable. An expert warrior, politician, king, as well as astrologer, and doctor of Ayurveda, he took great care of his kingdom. Also, an exceptional poet and scholar, each of the 10 heads he is often depicted with are said to symbolize the six shastras and four Vedas, as he was a famed devotee of Shiva, the God of Transformation.

Ravana’s 10 heads of knowledge became better known as symbols of the 10 qualities that exude those who are attached to such power Kama (lust), Krodha (anger), Moha (delusion), Lobha (greed), Mada (pride), Maatsarya (envy), Buddhi (intellect), Manas (mind), Chitta (will),Ahamkara (ego). Hindu traditions emphasize the importance of controlling one’s senses and projecting just the intellect alone, which is considered supreme over others. The use of other emotions is considered to be detrimental to the growth of a soul.

Ravana was the grandson of Pulastya, one of the greatest sages of Indian mythology and one of the Saptarishis. Ravana was actually a great follower of Lord Shiva. He had written two books: the Ravana Samhita (a book of astrology) and Arka Prakasham (a book of Siddha medicine). The ten heads of Ravana symbolize the six Shastras (sacred scriptures of Hinduism consisting of four categories: the shruti, smriti, Puran, and tantra) and the four Vedas that Ravana mastered making him a great scholar and one of the most intelligent beings of those times. He was a master of 64 types of knowledge and all arts of weaponry. He is known to have compiled Veda with the relevant musical swara (notes) and his Shiva Tandava stotra is yet the most popular hymn ever sung in praise of Lord Shiva.

Once, the great king Mahabali advised Ravana to shun these nine emotions and to keep only intellect to which he justifies that the possession of all these facets is equally important and makes him a complete man.  The one head of Buddhi controlled his destiny and the other heads of Ravana controlled his actions which ultimately led to destruction.

Eventually, who becomes a slave to his/ her senses and could not control those desires, he/she not only destroys themselves but also defeat their mind. Having all knowledge but not being able to use it properly is the biggest regret you can have. Someone who is not practicing the wisdom he or she has in life eventually will lead to downfall.


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