Straight forward should be good!

Keeping things straight

In life, we should keep things straight as we can. As long as I know, we hide to protect our relations, work, or we can say our thoughts. Sometimes it can be good but that good is no longer good. It will soon turn into a nightmare. The Nightmare no one wants. But it’ll come just because you’ve kept things which should have let go way before it’s late.

Many times it’s good to speak out your heart. It will clear the air which is ultimately good for you plus it will give you some unpleasant results. Don’t worry those results are for our good only. It will clear who’s on your side, which things you should keep with you and which not.

Keeping things for so long will eventually hurt you as badly as physical pain. Which is a bad thing actually. Yeah! I do agree we should not tell the whole thing never should. But sometimes we should just let ourselves go with that flow of wind. To remind others that you’re hurting inside. And that hurt can turn into anger or a sharp knife that can tear the bond easily.


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