That Gajar Halwa made my life

Life-changing Gajar Halwa. Yeah, it was a time 6 years back. Yesterday I was with some of my friends. We were talking about some love and friendship stuff and we have a lot of fun. While having a drink together. And then after that, we came to the point.
They asked me about “how I fell in love with her? How did we meet? What was the time?” So I told, “It was evening while smiling when we were on a platform.” Thing is She was upset from last some days and was quiet. She was not even talking to anybody because of the happened incident.”
Then, She had not talk even with her family. Everybody was concerned about it and questioned her about this. They asked reasons for her change in behavior like this. But she avoided the topic every time by answering that she’s tired and doesn’t want to talk to anybody. They then advised her to take her time and cool down.
The next day, I asked her about being upset and sad. I even asked reasons for not talking with anybody. Then she replied that she’s talking with me and rather than giving replies to me. I told her, I’ve noticed the change in talks from earlier and how she was being just formal to me. I assured her to help in sorting out her problem. She told me to not think much about it and let it be.
I then had a talk with someone very close to her. I got to know that she likes ‘Gajar Halwa’ the most. That person suggested me to bring it for her. Then I started preparing for it. I brought milk, some dry fruits and Carrots for the special dish for her.
It was the 17 of December 2015. Yeah! early morning around 10:30, I started making the dish. I went to bring some more things required for the dish. And after lunch, I started the main preparations which took one and half hours to get done. Then I started wrapping because I have to go to meet her later that day. I wanted to give her a very lovely surprise so that it can delight her mood.
I called her to ask where is she. She said that she left from office. she was always in a fine tone with me no matter how angry she is. Then we finalized the meeting place, as usual at the platform, the same place. Hours passed and we finally meet. We shook our hands and then hugged as usual. A hug is the most beautiful thing anyone can do.

So let’s move further. She asked me about this sudden urge for meeting. I told her that I wanted to give her something special which she definitely likes. She eagerly asked about “what it is?” I said “it’s your favorite one, it’s ‘Gajar Halwa’, don’t you like it?” She exclaimed and started questioning how I got to know and whether I made it or anyone else. I answered, “of course, I made it and this was the first time, I made something for someone.” She wasn’t expecting this. She had teary eyes. I could sense her feelings in that gaze. She was looking beautiful.
There’re no words to express that feeling or the moment we were in. I passed the tiffin to her and told her to eat at least one bite. Then she gave me a hug while thanking me. It was too her first time where someone made something special like this for her after her elder sister. Then I insisted on her taking a bite and her reaction was amazing. She liked it so much. She again hugged me and it was happening like in front of 50 people around the railway platform. It was all felt like the first time for us.
She was so happy. I can’t write down those emotions and expressions in words. She was upset and sad before and suddenly this happiness around her. She hugged me and asked about what I want in return. I asked her for one more hug which was enough for me. She literally transferred her feelings from her to me. That hug was damn!
I was not in love with her till I get a hug from her and then that hug. I fell for her and kept on falling for her every day from that moment. Whenever I recollect that moment, a lovely bright smile comes on my face. I do feel her in that memory because I can feel her presence on my body, on my soul, on my heart. Every part of my body. It was her and it was a lovely moment of my life perhaps, it is still!
I can’t imagine or I can’t think that one dish and one hug can make this much difference in my life. That Gajar halwa and those hugs from her are the most precious things of my life. Those things keep her beside me. And I can say after that, she’s With me. I’m in love with her and I can’t go out of her. It’s Love. One special dish can make your life different and lovely at the same time.