Revathi ‘s Poetries Here, we can read poetries of the young poet, Revathi Subramaniam. Must read her poetry and other write-ups. If you like, then

The impact of others on That child… As we see while growing up we mimic people. How they talk with each other, how they argue,

What is JUnit? This is the testing framework used for the unit testing for java programs. This is an open-source testing framework, we can create

Know about best Psychological, Thriller Web Series and Movies When we hear of psychopaths or human psychology, then sometimes we often get scared of their

What is MySQL WHERE Condition? The MySQL WHERE condition filters which records need to be selected from the table. By using the conditions we can

You can’t control it, ignore it… While we are living to gain something, the most important thing is peace. Those who think peace is not will

What is MySQL SELECT Statement? The MySQL SELECT statement in the SQL is used to select data from a database. The data returned is stored