आपण दिव्यांचा सण म्हणजेच दिवाळी का साजरी करतो याची काही विविध कारणे आपण केवळ भगवान राम अयोध्येत परतल्याबद्दल दिवाळी साजरी करत नाही तर आपण दिवाळी

Some various reasons of why we celebrate festival of lights i.e Diwali We don’t celebrate Diwali just to mark the return of Lord Rama to

How To Create a New User? We have seen how to connect to the mysql server and create a new schema, now we will see

The tragedy of illness and some fake bad love… It is always irritating when you’re ill again and again. And that particular moment is very frustrating. We

Why Two-Factor Authentication on Instagram is essential for now days? Two-factor Authentication on Instagram is a security feature that is designed to add an extra

How to create a new Schema? We have seen how we can install and connect to the database via the MySQL toolkit and the MySQL

What is MySQL toolkit? We have seen what MySQL is and how to install the same. in this blog, we will see what is MySQL