Take a look at your step wisely! While we get busy in doing own kind of things, But eventually, forget what to do actually in

Nothing is going to change when you think for yourself Some do say that they’ll be the same for you. But they don’t realize that

Focus more on you and those abilities… It feels loss in life after some of our incidents. Mainly, we intend to forget about it but

The fear who don’t let us live… Everyone carries fear! one or more scary things on their minds. As each one of us had a

Writing can found anywhere in thought… Why so many blocks coming in the way of writing, While the thoughts and the philosophy are far clear

का दोघांचा क्षण नेहमी वाटला जातो! हि एक साधी गोष्ट असावी म्हणा! पण जेव्हा जेव्हा आपण एखादी गोष्ट ठरवतो तेव्हा आपण आपल्यापुरती तिला ठेवतो. मग

What are Errors in Java? Errors in java are abnormal conditions that occur during the execution of the program and can not be resolved by