Explanation only ruins the truth! No matter how many times you try to express your truth, That person is not gonna listen to you. Definitely
There are also WeakHashMap, SortedMap, TreeMap present in Java Map. WeakHashMap, SortedMap, TreeMap are also the same as HashMap in Java Map with some differences

क्षणभंगूर किस्से ही… दरवेळी मन मारून स्वप्नांमध्ये राहणं हे काही योग्य नाही. किमान त्यासाठी प्रयत्न तर करता आलं पाहिजे. आपण कित्येक गोष्टी या अशा पद्धतीतच

Whether that decision is against you… We should definitely respect someone’s decision if it’s still going against us. We don’t know what circumstances those persons

Straight forward should be good! In life, we should keep things straight as we can. As long as I know, we hide to protect our

IdentityHashMap in Java implements Map interface and extends AbstractMap. IdentityHashMap in Java also implements a Map interface using HashTable. This Class is used when the

An outsider who should know some things… Being an outsider reminds you that you belong to some specific palaces and person. You should be remembered