Fear of losing attachments and comfort…

Death is the word we all fear in some way. We actually fear the terms of ‘what will happen’. Those things impact our human mind so heavily that sometimes we get panicked. Thus we get involved in health issues before the actual disease. The disease of fear and trauma is yet to hit us, but it already damages our minds and body. And then the ladder starts collapsing along with it. 

One of the hammering things of trauma is the death of our closed ones. That thing hit us very strongly that we start living a little different life than the earlier one. All of the expectations start to get rising. Without even thinking of anything we do start planning things for the near future. The list we should take care of, the lifestyle we were carrying needs to look. All of these things come to the frame of mind to settle those.

The difficult thing is to give comfort to the person who is going through that trauma. That awkwardness that sadness and on top of that no words to speak at all. That damn killing silent in the loudest sound of pain and love. The consciousness of delicacy and being on good terms at that moment all go lost in the span of seconds. What to do and what not to do is the only thing left in mind. 

We, later on, learn that the cycle of life is in the process itself. Some may bear some die that is thing life works on. The fate of life doesn’t change at all. Death is the ultimate truth we should accept. But not with fear. As per Murphy’s law “If anything goes wrong it will.” So basically, we should let things happen; we can’t control death, we can just delay the process. 


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