24. offsetByCodePoints()
This method returns the index within this String that is offset from the given index by codePointOffset code points.

25. regionMatches()
Tests if two string regions are equal.
param1 – the starting offset of the subregion in this string.
param2 – the string argument.
param3 – the starting offset of the subregion in the string argument.
param4 – the number of characters to compare.

26. replace()
This method is used to replace the string with the given string. First input in the string which is to be replaced, the second param is the string by which it is replaced.

27. replaceFirst()
This method replaces the first substring of this string that matches the given regular expression with the given replacement.

28. replaceAll()
This method replaces all the string that matches the given regular expression with the given replacement.

29. split()
This method is used to split the string and convert it into the string array. The input parameter for this method is the string.

30. startsWith()
This method is to check if the string starts with the given string or not. It returns true/false based on the match. This is also case-sensitive.

31. subSequence()
This method is used to get the character sequence from the original string. It takes begin index (inclusive) and end index (exclusive) of the original string.