जेव्हा मायेचं नातं विसरलं जातं! जेव्हा सोबतीची सवय लागते, मायेचा जिव्हाळा जिव्हारी लागतो. जेव्हा मायेचं नातं विसरलं जातं! आठवणींना जागा उरत नाही हृदयात आणि मनात
Tag: blogs

Strategic activities relating to trading and investing. Futures and Options are ‘derivative products’ in the stock market. Derivatives is a financial instrument which derives its

Community impact in Child Psychology! Welcome to the third part of this trilogy of child psychology! As we understood in the last two pieces, how

पाहिले फक्त शब्द, रूप नाही पाहिले… “पाहिले न मी तुला, तू मला न पाहिले” हे सुरेख गाणं आज सकाळ सकाळ आमच्या टीव्ही वर लागलं होतं.

Psychology about comparison kills the talent of the child! As we read in the first part that how parenting is important for the child psychology. Teachers

Revathi ‘s Poetries Here, we can read poetries of the young poet, Revathi Subramaniam. Must read her poetry and other write-ups. If you like, then

Know about best Psychological, Thriller Web Series and Movies When we hear of psychopaths or human psychology, then sometimes we often get scared of their