Is their writing as clear as their intentions?

The mentality about Writing!

What to write? sometimes it’s too confusing for us. Because we can’t even tell the exact reason due to the complexity of the mind. Then things go so deep that we are unable to see what is the main thing we have to find out. We even lost ourselves in that time of thinking. Why need to change the mentality about the writing? Those who are not good at verbal sharing the thoughts. And speak their heart out as they want to can write for themselves.

The one who is telling you to look after. It’s work of writing that means he or she somehow wants to tell you or want to give you some kind of hint. The hint of feelings and emotions. The hint of love and cry.

The way they want to express themselves. Or the way they are is the only way to be in their writing as clear as their intentions. Their heart tells the truth always. Which we ignore and later on, we put some allegations on them by saying why they didn’t tell about that thing earlier? That person may have done that in many ways through his writing and by some random thoughts.

Everybody just needs a listener to them but you can be someone’s listener by reading their stuff. Giving gentle feedback about it genuinely will not cost you anything. It will give the courage to the person so that he can share more often.

That person will never feel alone or suffocated by the thought which is there in his mind. the person automatically feels good right after this for sure.


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