There is no need for an explanation…

Explanation only ruins the truth!

There is no need for an explanation

No matter how many times you try to express your truth, That person is not gonna listen to you. Definitely not that level of depth in which you’re standing right now. So never waste energy by explaining yourself. It’s an easy job to do the blame game these days when everyone has their alternative options than listening to your explanation.

Yeah! when there is an option, there is no longer place for the truth you want to tell. You will always end up at a place where you’ll be feeling embarrassed. You’ll be thinking continuously about why the hell I did. It’s better If I can keep my mouth shut rather than open up.

A simple thing is everyone is gonna take advantage of your sayings and politeness. The more you give importance, the more you’re hurting yourself. I don’t think anyone is really waiting for an explanation. All they want is to show that they are your priorities rather than a truth of you being worthy in life.


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