Yeah! love is roaming in us…

The date will be always special as it was always. New chapters, new relationships, new friendships. Everything is there just to be with one single person. Sounds surprising! it might but this is it. She is what she is. The talk in between us is something else always. Apart from that talking in various modes in every way possible. My love, we’re still here. We’ll always be there for us.
It’s always been a massive thing to carry that love for someone. Throughout the years of togetherness. The hurdles, miscommunication, anger, separation but in the end, it’s always a homecoming. Spending those moments with her in those years was really incredible. I know the thing is going more towards her but it is for her.

The less I can talk, the more she’ll like. She always says keep our love secret. That will be the best thing we can do for ourselves. We don’t need to show our life to anybody, if we’re happy then it’s between us. Even though we’re angry it’ll be still in between ourselves. No wonder everyone thinks they want to be a part of a healthy relationship. But failed to work towards it.
Need is not the only thing, Presence does matter the most. Whether it’s verbally or physically. someone’s saying or few words do the magic to ourselves. It does change the momentum of our life. The attitude to look in the eyes of life does change. It’s the ultimate power if someone is backing you, majorly the main person who loves you a lot. Apart from our mom-dad.
There will be someone who will be with you physically or mentally.
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