What we always want is not what we constantly need!
Feels forfeited, someday will take you on an adventure where you don’t want to go. But life has its plans for you. The thing we fear the most in life, it will put that thing first for us to overcome it and to avoid your fear over that thing.
You will come to know that when you’ll ride that adventure with a wide-open mind-set, with the will of understanding your scars and that impact. The impact will last on you when that one is too big. We can say that is important for your life. Instead of that, the impact is going to change your life’s orbit and the way things are engaging with your mind.
Both will change simultaneously. Everything has its own time in our life. You don’t need to run after the things, rather, you should figure out the time of these things. One should always be focused on what they want and what they don’t. Because at the end if you want, you’ll get but not all the aspects.
Like somebody will show up and will start complaining about not getting his/her thing despite doing all kinds of necessary hard work and keeping the constant will. Then the despite disappointing yet satisfying.
The answer is what you get is for yourself only and what you don’t is not meant to be yours. It’s just as simple as that. You need to think about what goes in the past is not going to come back. It’s not in our hands to change that. Now what is in our hands is the present and the upcoming time.
We can change forthcoming times by doing things in the present, where we have a large canvas to paint on or to draw the picture. Things will change when thinking will change. Focus on the will and focus on needs also, because what we always want is not what we constantly need.