What is the difference between Android and iOS?

In this entire blog, we are going to learn the main difference between Android and iOS

What is the difference between Android and iOS?

Android and iOS are operating systems developed by Google and Apple. Both these operating systems are commonly used in mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Android is more like a PC’s operating system. Its basic features and interface is easily customized as compared to iOS.

On the other hand, iOS’s design is more attractive and elements are user-friendly. Both android and iOS have their positive and negative points. Here are the key differences between iOS and Android to help you decide which one suits your requirements.

However, both the flavors of iOS have a substantial amount of fan following. If we make the comparison between Android vs iOS, then we would find that certain facts and features distinguish them from one another.

  • Convenience
    • The iOS interface is easier to use as compared to Android. But those who can use one can certainly use the other without much trouble.
    • Appearance and home-screen setup are better in android. It gives you ease and control over the system and applications. Android lets you set your phone as you like in that it’s more customizable than Apple.
    • Android app store offers 2.7 million apps while iOS has 1.82 million apps in the store. But most popular apps that are commonly used by everyone are available on both platforms.
    • Apps are safer to download on iOS as well as android. Although Google Play Store has more apps than Apple, iOS has the best games that android lacks.
What is the difference between Apple and google
  • Battery
    • Android devices with a bigger battery can outlast the iPhone. There are complaints about low battery life from the owners of iOS smartphones. Battery usage can be seen in both systems. But android users have the advantage over iOS users. They can see how much battery life they are left with.
    • Power saving modes are offered by both which can limit the performance to increase the battery life. But the connectivity and other power-saving features are more customizable in Android.
    • When it comes to charging android phones have fast charging compared to old iPhone models. But latest iOS devices like iPhone 11 and iPhone X came with fast charging capabilities.
    • You can buy an android phone with a larger battery and fast chargers in the box. It would cost less to buy an android with all these perks than to buy an iPhone alone.
What is the difference between Android and iOS?
  • Updates
    • iOS provides constant and timely updates and security repairs for its software as compared to android. It’s impressive how 80 to 86% of all iOS devices are being run on the latest version of updates. Unfortunately, the stats are not up to the mark on android devices.
    • Android does not update its software as often as the owners would prefer. It is still struggling to improve its stats. iOS on the other side offers the latest features and bug fixes.
What is the difference between apple and google
  • Customizability
    • Android’s main strength is the ability it provides the owners to customize their phones. It allows the users to set up the home-screen layout as they prefer. Widgets and shortcuts can be added and the user interface can be easily changed as required.
    • The widgets customizing ability offered by iOS is not at the same level as android. If you are someone who prefers to have a unique and personalized look of the home screen, then android is the phone for you
What is the difference between Android and iOS?
  • Maps – Apple’s navigation system did not have a great beginning but it’s improving. Maps can be downloaded for offline use. Google maps on the other hand have a larger database and reviews.

It is undeniably true that the software and apps are extremely important, but so are the iOS platforms that help them to run seamlessly over mobile devices.

If we talk from the perspective of the most popular devices, then they run over Android and iOS and deliver excellent results. It’s essential to share that on a very high level, the market share of Android in Mobile OS is way high i.e. at 74.2 % compared to iOS which stands at approx. 23%, a third of its competitor.


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