When someone says you’re there for time pass…

Care factor or just to pass the time of their boredom?

When someone says you’re there for time pass…

When someone says you’re there for time passes, I don’t get what exactly they mean? I mean does it belong to the care factor or just to pass the time of their boredom. Really, just to pass the time of their boring mood, just to make them feel entertained.

What about your time and your feelings? Are they on sale or what? They’ll be saying whatever about your precious time and you’ll be like saying it’s okay. But in reality, that is not okay at all. Because it will provide them access to play with your feelings and that will lead to frustrations with your decisions and the time you’ve given to them from your only life.

I agree that we should spread love or give our time to the needy or our so-called beloved ones. But if they’re taking advantage of this innocent nature of yours then, you must stop. If you don’t stop yourself here then they will be using you every freaking time.

That habit of them will make you feel useless as in sense, they will ask your time every time they need even if you are busy in work or doing anything. If you don’t show up on time, they ask for reasons and give you taunts with some saying which you’ll not like at all. You might get hurt because of it. That will also add in trust issues on each other as well.

At least be the one who can deny or say ‘No’ politely for the availability of the time. Do think for your time and your heart for your own good. If someone is talking to you in their free time to pass it, then you should just give the free time you have; and if you don’t have it, then leave it. That person will feel bad for some time but it will help that one to realize the importance of your time too.


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